Some thoughts on data collection methods and how choices could skew outcome

The choice of data collection medium could skew your data towards certain known and unknown biases.
Data! A short opinion

Data doesn’t lie.
Your analysis and subsequent interpretation could be subjective.
A thing or two about vanity metrics

Vanity metrics mean or measure nothing. Well, except to stoke ego of those reporting these vain metrics or used to hide a problem. Whilst saying your company moved goods worth US$ 6Billion in the first quarter of 2020, sounds good to the ears, it really doesn’t say much. Except, if your shareholders have invested in […]
From ‘calling to action’ to getting ‘the action’ – automate as much as you can and reduce attrition

I see some facebook Ads (I won’t be surprised if the same happens across channels open to these ‘culprits’), asking users to make a phone call and listing a name and a telephone number to call. That is so paper age – remember the days we are handed fliers in traffic and we have to […]