They are here! Wearable computers [updated]

google-glass-hands-on-stock5_2040_large_verge_medium_landscapeOk, so I missed the grand entry of wearable computers*. The entourage possibly slipped by whilst I caught a quick shuteye.

But they are here and if you, like me a few moments before electing to write this post, was waiting for a/the grand launch of wearable computer devices, well you missed it and may have to make do with the list below [I will update this as I find more wearables]:

Google Glass – Yes, you heard about those. Me too. Read about them, read about people reading about them. Even read about sightings in the San Francisco subway. I perhaps like you, will be happy to lay my hands on them – wondering how I will plug in my keyboard though, I am sure they will be an exciting way to combine my love for prime time soaps with catching up on the day’s missed tasks/opportunities.

They are essentially a pair of ‘smart’ eye wear running Android (yes, the same software google created and gave out to OEMs to run on mobile phones and tablet computers). You can learn more about them here (updated specially for you, if you are logged into your Google account) or here (Google’s official homepage for the glass) and they will one day work with prescription lenses.

Health trackers, digital pedometers and calorie trackers – Lots of these in the market (I will keep my preference a secret until I start wearing it). These devices track, record and even plot graphs of your activities – cool way to know how well you are doing and well in advance that you are going to miss your exercise target and your calorie burn targets. Rumor has it that they also can report when you ‘get it on’ though will require some deductive reasoning, like: why were you exercising at 2:00am and then fall asleep afterwards 🙂 ? – I agree, they are a good valentine’s day gift for partners with tendencies of being randy, sad thing is: those graphs and the knowledge inherent may not be absolutely private.

Smart Watches – Does quite a few things besides the traditional function of wrist watches – telling the time. Mostly, they keep you connected to your mobile phone though you are physically separated from it (within an allowed radius). So you can read emails (or at least know you have new emails), take phone calls, read and send sms etc.

There are a myriad of products in this category in the market and in development (Apple – yep, the guys who make and sell us iPads, iPhones and the MacBook line of microcomputers – is rumored to have one in the works, and if this is true, it may change the definition of ‘Smart Watches’ like Apple did to the phrase smart phone in 2007 – before, we stopped trusting Nokia).

And wait for this.

Staying-in-touch-whilst-away sort of adult toys: Yes, so you need to stay in touch with your partner in the most intimate of ways, there is at least one wearable computer for doing so – Durex Australia is conducting experiments, see here:


*Wearable computers, also known as body-borne computers are miniature electronic devices that are worn by the bearer under, with or on top of clothing.This class of wearable technology has been developed for general or special purpose information technologies and media development. Wearable computers are especially useful for applications that require more complex computational support than just hardware coded logics.
Source: Wikipeadia
Captured On: Wednesday 17 July 2013, 10:43AM (GMT+2)



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