Gate crashing events: Tips that worked!

Its lunch time at the launch of Google Engage in South Africa – and I thought to share tips on gate crashing registration/invitation only events.

These worked!

Google+ 24hours on!

Its been one full day since my invite to Google+ worked. Well, the invites never really arrived, despite the persistence of a good friend and brother of mine, who against all odds sent the invite a record two (maybe three) times. I also left my name and email address several times on the Google+ homepage […]

Demystifying Web Analytics

(Preferred title: What the hell is web analytics?) Web analytics is Business Intelligence (BI) for your website. Let’s start with an example. You own a shoe shop, and you want at the end of every month, quarter or year to know stuffs like:

User Permissions – Drupal Versus Joomla!

I am a big fan of Joomla! – but I am beginning to find Drupal a more flexible and perhaps powerful CMS tool in the hands of a developer , who is smart enough not to consider building his own CMS software from scratch. One such flexibility comes from the user permissions system in each […]

Nigeria’s most monitored and reported election season yet

Young people from across all walks in Nigeria are bringing a mix of skills, vigilance and brute determination to the tables this election season. As Nigeria decides (#NigeriaDecides) who of the mass of candidates should be handed the mantle of leadership across state and federal legislative and executive institutions, unlike ever before, young people are […]

The Apple iPhone 4, The GoPano and Citizen Journalism

The rise of citizen journalism is no doubt on the increase and with improving technologies it becomes easier to start up as a citizen journalist. Some mainstream media companies have not only identified and supported citizen journalism, they have increasingly institutionalised this kind of journalism – a case in point is CNN’s iReport platform, which […]