I have tried…

I have tried many times to read the future but besides the clear reading that it will be a great one, there is nothing more specific.

I seek to read tommorrow so I can plan adequately for it, but I guess I have to give up my search for specifics and go to work with my general ideas but maintain a flexible mindset capable of twisting, expanding and shrinking to the demands of the times to come and in line with my dreams and aspirations of making the world a better place for all.The clearest I see of the next five years  – I mean to answer where do I see myself in the next five years, a question I was forced again to ponder a few weeks ago during an interview –  is a family man of immense influence to cause change and causing and managing it. Thus I have I resolved to form alliances that can help ensure the attianment of this goals and as the picture is no clearer than I have described above, I have formed and will gladly form win-win ( I have to like this word so much!) relationships accross the three most important sectors –public, private and non profit –are there others?

Ok, I ask myself why am I writting this? Ok so I can put something fresh on my blog! Does anybody read my blog? Uhm…maybe a few friends and some peeps I don’t know, but one day people will ask to read my early writtings and as I am not a star yet, this piece should qualify and then it will be clear I did not stumble on victory – is that it? Ok success –that sounds better.

But all that mussings away, I like to hold myself accountable and I like to remember the thoughts I have thought in the past and keeping this in my journals (online and offline) is a sure way to be reminded of my time thoughts in obscurity – that sounds like a nice title for my auto biography ( I have been hunting for one since i learnt of Gbenga Sesan’s In my Own Words (available online soon) and Method to my madness (yet to be written I guess).

Ok –said that many time tonight-I have to let go here now and do a few things before its another day!



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