On Project Management and Product Management

The link to the video is at the bottom of the post. — Are there any significant differences between the disciplines of project management and product management? My opinion is that each is a well-established discipline, which goes beyond nomenclature and could at best be complementary. Project managers are professionals who oversee projects with the […]
The Golden Circle By Simon Sinek – Applied to Product Development

Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle works as a good framework to guide the work of product teams. Starting with the core vision/value of the business (and/or product) – the value we seek to create – and tying this with a eloquent approach to HOW we enable the value creation process in the hands of our customers, […]
Design Thinking in a Waterfall World

Note: This article has been published by: the IIBA – https://www.iiba.org/business-analysis-blogs/design-thinking-in-a-waterfall-world/ Modern Analyst – https://www.modernanalyst.com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/ID/5617/Design-Thinking-in-a-Waterfall-World.aspx BA Times – https://www.batimes.com/articles/design-thinking-in-a-waterfall-world/ As much as we like to think we are now in a dynamic and agile world, most delivery initiatives are still some shades of agile and all shades of waterfall. These initiatives could have adopted an agile […]
Design thinking: Lessons from Practice

Business Analysis Communities & Resources

Communities IIBA IIBA Chapters IIBA South Africa IIBA Business Analytics Special Interest Group (LinkedIn) IIBA CBAP Group (linkedIn) Resources: Bridging the Gap: https://www.bridging-the-gap.com/ BA Times: https://www.batimes.com/ BA Excellence BABOK Study Group Modern Analyst: https://www.modernanalyst.com/ 5W-1H: https://joenewbert.com/5w-1h/ Thought leaders Angie Doyle Adriaan Reed Edward Ngubane Joe Newbert Paula Bell Ryan Folster Thsepo Matjila Paul Benn Jared Gorai Lucy Davies Oluwakorede Asuni […]
What if we could all be design thinkers?

Yep! That is possible. We would be doing what we are ding today in our different teams within the delivery pipeline, except that: We would be thinking more about the customer than our egos or what we believe to be smart; We would meet with real users (customers) – who have bought is using or […]
Design thinking is about the customer, not about design for its own sake

Yep! Design thinking may have been originally gifted to the world by industrial design firm Ideo*, **, today design thinking is as much about the design as solution architecture is about designing structures. Design thinking is an iterative process, that saves businesses from themselves and lets them interact with their customers before drawing the first […]
On Agility

The problem existed in the business I worked in, a few years ago. Information technology projects often fail habitually – they get cancelled or the final product doesn’t meet the objectives stated? at initiation. On assignment to lead a project soon after I joined this business, I elected to experiment with a project management methodology that will allow the project team deliver the project outcomes […]
Projects and Project Management

For many years, I have had to repeatedly answer questions on what projects are and what the disciplined practice of project management is and I thought to write a quick and short primer here. This is no way exhaustive, but aimed at answering some of the questions many have about the discipline and possible help […]
On Agile: SCRUM

This piece is yet another installment in my series on Agile methods and mindsets. Each article in the series progressively elaborates on the subject and shouldn’t be consumed on their own, but along with the other entries. The form in which the articles are split isn’t along any lines except for those of my convenience. At […]