And today’s homily…

Our lesson for today is from the book of Olu’ chapter 15:1-10. Let us commence: 1. Thou shall not feel entitled to another person’s time. Except where you have ‘put in some deposits’ with them, and even then that deposit must be mutually acknowledged, as opposed to being acknowledged solely by the party that places […]
From ‘calling to action’ to getting ‘the action’ – automate as much as you can and reduce attrition

I see some facebook Ads (I won’t be surprised if the same happens across channels open to these ‘culprits’), asking users to make a phone call and listing a name and a telephone number to call. That is so paper age – remember the days we are handed fliers in traffic and we have to […]
On Agile

some facts about diamonds (and lessons too)

Diamond used to be regarded as the hardest substance known to man. But Wurtzite Boron Nitride which shares diamond’s chemical structures, but contains different atoms, now holds that position. Diamond is a naturally occurring chemical compound made up entirely of the element carbon. It has a 3 dimension crystalline structure, responsible for its hardness. The […]
eMail etiquette: Yes, there are some basic expectations

I write a lot of emails and I get a lot emails too. Indeed, in the fast paced, information driven world we live in today, email as well as other electronic communication methods and channels have become default. However, unlike face to face communication, the reader of an email usually have to depend on the written […]
Updatedx2: The business model canvass generation tool (Excel template)

Download my excel template from here. Go to this link for a tutorial to guide you in creating your own business model canvass. Please, leave a note in the comment section to let me know if you found it useful.
One long telephone call overseas – a short story, not 100% fiction
I stared briefly at the call duration, 59:28. Reached for my ear instinctively. Slowly massaging it. Dissipating the heat from having held the mobile phone against it for so long. Funny, I didn’t even feel the phone heating up and warming up my ear. But I did feel the discomfort, or so I thought. Next […]
Public service announcement!

1. Ebola virus – current outbreak most severe since first case was reported in ’76. The guys at TechCabal rigged together an easy to use information tool available to all here: – please share and #StaySafe 2. #DigitalLiteracy – Idiots (that’s what they are) are often on the prowl to gain access to your […]
Lessons learnt learnt whilst staring death in the face…yes, they resonate!

Yes, we do magic…

But not (a lot of) mind reading. First we need to understand the requirements. Yes, you need to tell us what is on your mind. Then we need to verify the underlying business case. Not always our business, but (a) it is a value added service to make all our lives easier, yours mostly and […]