A thing or two about vanity metrics
Vanity metrics mean or measure nothing. Well, except to stoke ego of those reporting these vain metrics or used to hide a problem. Whilst saying your company moved goods worth US$ 6Billion in the first quarter of 2020, sounds good to the ears, it really doesn’t say much. Except, if your shareholders have invested in […]
To the caves we returned: The state of affairs of election results in Nigeria. And possible next step?
I have been left in a lurch all weekend, with no official or parallel consolidated view of the election results from the Nigerian general elections held this past Saturday. Given all the sophistication of the people of Nigeria, it is her complexities that bothers the more than casual observer. With millions of internet users (actual […]
Ilé tí a bá fi ito mo
Originally posted to OrderPaper.NG, the premier digital publication connection citizens of Nigeria with their representatives in parliament. However, reproduced below with slight modifications based on a discussion between some respectable users of the Yoruba language here on my facebook timeline. Growing up, my father taught me to read and write the Yoruba language, in as […]
What if I have been had?
So I took my bicycle in for service earlier today and the experience left me wondering. The technician accepted the bicycle and then told me to leave my name and phone number on a piece of paper, so he can call me tomorrow when the bike is ready for collection. There is No records of […]
Of forged certificates, criminal political class and docile citizenry
First appeared in the OrderPaper.Ng The Nigeria political space is a theatre of absurdities. Absurdities at a level that will be unbelievable, albeit unconceivable to those from climes dubbed developed democracies. What with a President who seem to have been asleep for the better part of the three years he has been in office for; and […]
From ‘calling to action’ to getting ‘the action’ – automate as much as you can and reduce attrition
I see some facebook Ads (I won’t be surprised if the same happens across channels open to these ‘culprits’), asking users to make a phone call and listing a name and a telephone number to call. That is so paper age – remember the days we are handed fliers in traffic and we have to […]
The long road from idea to revenue
(Warning: May not make a lot of sense, also, don’t take personal) First things first: idea is nothing! it is simply that thing we all have in our heads, sometimes even have on paper and that we hope it/they will somehow turn us into multi-millionaires and build us an empire. If ideas were really a thing, you’d […]
Thus far, I have spent approximately 90 minutes in traffic every day of the last three days – don’t blame me for whining, I am used to driving against the general flow of traffic until this past Monday. As there are approximately 240 work days in a year, my projection for the next 12 months, […]