
Thus far, I have spent approximately 90 minutes in traffic every day of the last three days – don’t blame me for whining, I am used to driving against the general flow of traffic until this past Monday. As there are approximately 240 work days in a year, my projection for the next 12 months, […]

Time for a wearable for the masses? (I)*

Apple has announced its retinue of smart watches. The Curpertino, California based company, which currently has the most cash in its bank accounts compared to any other company in the world today, has been long rumoured to be working on an offering in this category of consumer goods. If history repeats itself, Apple will disrupt […]

Project Management: Beyond Microsoft Project! (Updated)

It isn’t quite hilarious when otherwise smart people are fooled into believing project management is simply being able to use Microsoft Project. It becomes even more unsettling when, these people are made to part with hard-earned cold cash in the name of obtaining project management training. And for me, it is painful to see all […]

One long telephone call overseas – a short story, not 100% fiction

I stared briefly at the call duration, 59:28. Reached for my ear instinctively. Slowly massaging it. Dissipating the heat from having held the mobile phone against it for so long. Funny, I didn’t even feel the phone heating up and warming up my ear. But I did feel the discomfort, or so I thought. Next […]

African Round Table Discussion on CiviCRM

Update: Webinar was successful. You can view my slides below and join the conversation on Kabissa’s website. You can also download the recording here (47Mb and 1 hour long). CiviCRM is currently the only CRM tool built from grounds up to meet the needs of civil society organisations. It is free. Open source. Web based. And […]

Yes, we do magic…

But not (a lot of) mind reading. First we need to understand the requirements. Yes, you need to tell us what is on your mind. Then we need to verify the underlying business case. Not always our business, but (a) it is a value added service to make all our lives easier, yours mostly and […]

IT, a business partner and nothing else

If your aim for the C-Suite is mainly to prove that geeks can become executives too, then you may be in for the short-haul and smarter techheads may be ousting you soon or you may just dissolve into oblivion and irrelevance. No enterprise need code spitting, network analysing, system designing, techies. But, a service oriented, process […]

CIO Files

Having spent the better part of the last few months (mentally) as a CIO – not quite officially designated, but have been so indeed, thought and assigned and wrestled responsibilities – and with sights firmly set to contribute to employer’s (and eventually own business’) bottom-line by taking strategic advantage of IT/IS, I elected to start this string of blog […]

The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)’s new tablet dream and the question of relevance today

The OLPC initiative a valid proposition: provide ultra low-cost (and low maintenance) laptops for children (in impoverished countries). At a time, when microcomputers were quite expensive and cost upwards of $500 (for an entry-level device) and this high cost of ownership were seen as a major contributor to the digital divide. But things have since […]