They are here! Wearable computers [updated]

Ok, so I missed the grand entry of wearable computers*. The entourage possibly slipped by whilst I caught a quick shuteye. But they are here and if you, like me a few moments before electing to write this post, was waiting for a/the grand launch of wearable computer devices, well you missed it and may have […]

5 ways to know you are bored

1. It’s 10:00am and you have made more than the usual number of visits to the coffee machine 2. You are surprised that no matter how much you stare at your wrist watch the hour hand remain ever slow 3. You have set your email filter to ‘unread messages’ and your mouse permanently clicking away […]

5 reasons I cherish working from Coffee shops

When next you drive past a Coffee shop, I might be waving at you from one of its windows. The coffee tastes better each time – and when it doesn’t, I change Coffee shops. The scenery is different every time – yes, I change the window by which I sit each time and as often […]

Will the PC die?

This post includes a presentation, which is best viewed in full screen The Death of PC – Full Report from Business Insider from Pandora.VN

WordPress networked blog: Locating blog IDs

*For some reason, you need to find the Blog ID of a specific blog in your ‘WordPress Network’ and for whatever reason, you like me want a quick, do the following: Log in to your Database (yes, you must have access to the hosting account or to your database server) Look for the table with: […]

Parts of a url

This post was copied verbatim from: Matt Cutts’ website/blog. It was originally written in 2007, but remains as valid as ever. Question: Why copy? / Answer: Why re-invent the wheel? Question: Am I in violation of copyright?/ Answer: Possibly. As there are no copyright or copyleft notice, I assume it is safe until I get […]

One visa refusal, too many…*

Getting refused a visa isn’t anything I look forward to, so I always avoided applying for one except when I have strong application, one I am certain will stand the stress and strain test it might be subjected to.

Gate crashing events: Tips that worked!

Its lunch time at the launch of Google Engage in South Africa – and I thought to share tips on gate crashing registration/invitation only events.

These worked!

Google+ 24hours on!

Its been one full day since my invite to Google+ worked. Well, the invites never really arrived, despite the persistence of a good friend and brother of mine, who against all odds sent the invite a record two (maybe three) times. I also left my name and email address several times on the Google+ homepage […]