NASA shoots DART into Space

News: NASA DART space vehicle successfully collides with an asteroid 7 million Km in space (a distance 28 times that of the distance between the earth and its moon). NASA crafted this exercise to test man’s ability to redirect the path/orbit of an asteroid. Whilst this asteroid poses no challenge to the earth, the test […]
The long road from idea to revenue

(Warning: May not make a lot of sense, also, don’t take personal) First things first: idea is nothing! it is simply that thing we all have in our heads, sometimes even have on paper and that we hope it/they will somehow turn us into multi-millionaires and build us an empire. If ideas were really a thing, you’d […]

Thus far, I have spent approximately 90 minutes in traffic every day of the last three days – don’t blame me for whining, I am used to driving against the general flow of traffic until this past Monday. As there are approximately 240 work days in a year, my projection for the next 12 months, […]
some facts about diamonds (and lessons too)

Diamond used to be regarded as the hardest substance known to man. But Wurtzite Boron Nitride which shares diamond’s chemical structures, but contains different atoms, now holds that position. Diamond is a naturally occurring chemical compound made up entirely of the element carbon. It has a 3 dimension crystalline structure, responsible for its hardness. The […]
Yes, we do magic…

But not (a lot of) mind reading. First we need to understand the requirements. Yes, you need to tell us what is on your mind. Then we need to verify the underlying business case. Not always our business, but (a) it is a value added service to make all our lives easier, yours mostly and […]
5 ways to know you are bored

1. It’s 10:00am and you have made more than the usual number of visits to the coffee machine 2. You are surprised that no matter how much you stare at your wrist watch the hour hand remain ever slow 3. You have set your email filter to ‘unread messages’ and your mouse permanently clicking away […]
5 reasons I cherish working from Coffee shops

When next you drive past a Coffee shop, I might be waving at you from one of its windows. The coffee tastes better each time – and when it doesn’t, I change Coffee shops. The scenery is different every time – yes, I change the window by which I sit each time and as often […]
April fooled?

Ok, you missed a couple of the April fool day’s announcement from tech companies? Below is a round up, enjoy! Google Nose!!! Find scents easily 🙂 Gmail Blue – the new way to Gmail! Twitter to charge $5/monthly for using vowels in tweets Youtube to shut down…reopens in 2023!
Surving the tech challenged public (sic)

I found this a bit hilarious at first, but truth be told, these are some of the challenges first level support guys are confronted with on a daily basis – and here are some tips on coping!
Dealing with the curse of mobile instant messaging
I was intrigued by MSN messenger (or whatever it was called back in the late 90s) – this was before mobile phones became a reality (in Nigeria) and sms the cheapest and preferred means of one-sided and multi sided conversations. I thought yahoo messenger was cool – yes, I, like you had a yahoo account […]