Please keep the change….
She looked at me dazed with surprise. Indeed the change was large. What she did not know was that, she had made my day and my generosity stemmed from plain appreciation of the service she had rendered. Yes, she was doing her job. But she did it so well, I looked forward to going back […]
IT, a business partner and nothing else
If your aim for the C-Suite is mainly to prove that geeks can become executives too, then you may be in for the short-haul and smarter techheads may be ousting you soon or you may just dissolve into oblivion and irrelevance. No enterprise need code spitting, network analysing, system designing, techies. But, a service oriented, process […]
CIO Files
Having spent the better part of the last few months (mentally) as a CIO – not quite officially designated, but have been so indeed, thought and assigned and wrestled responsibilities – and with sights firmly set to contribute to employer’s (and eventually own business’) bottom-line by taking strategic advantage of IT/IS, I elected to start this string of blog […]
The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)’s new tablet dream and the question of relevance today
The OLPC initiative a valid proposition: provide ultra low-cost (and low maintenance) laptops for children (in impoverished countries). At a time, when microcomputers were quite expensive and cost upwards of $500 (for an entry-level device) and this high cost of ownership were seen as a major contributor to the digital divide. But things have since […]
Happy birthday Madiba!
Image courtesy of:
They are here! Wearable computers [updated]
Ok, so I missed the grand entry of wearable computers*. The entourage possibly slipped by whilst I caught a quick shuteye. But they are here and if you, like me a few moments before electing to write this post, was waiting for a/the grand launch of wearable computer devices, well you missed it and may have […]
5 reasons I cherish working from Coffee shops
When next you drive past a Coffee shop, I might be waving at you from one of its windows. The coffee tastes better each time – and when it doesn’t, I change Coffee shops. The scenery is different every time – yes, I change the window by which I sit each time and as often […]
Will the PC die?
This post includes a presentation, which is best viewed in full screen The Death of PC – Full Report from Business Insider from Pandora.VN
Effective Leadership as a Catalyst for Successful Projects
Ayo Oladejo and I have in recent months had long and exciting conversations on the subject of leadership. Ayo believes it all starts and ends with leadership. I agree. The conversations are exciting, as enlightening. He recently wrote a piece on the role leadership plays in the work place and I thought to share excerpts […]