I have tried…

I have tried many times to read the future but besides the clear reading that it will be a great one, there is nothing more specific. I seek to read tommorrow so I can plan adequately for it, but I guess I have to give up my search for specifics and go to work with […]

Multitasking, technology and people

Perhaps that is not the right title for this blog post…but this is one such time I write directly to this blog without first writting on my eScratch pad (fancy name for the folder where I keep all those ‘unready’ or work in progress write ups), so I will worryless about the title…perhaps I will […]

Abandon TALK and begin TO DO!

Nigeria is beset by many challenges…far too numerous to enumerate here (and allow me to modestly say anywhere else). However, many have perfected the art and science of TALKING and doing nothing! Look, at the newspaper vendor stand, members of the free readers association will explain quite succinctly why we have problems in this country […]

Marketing Communications…

I love marketing communications. I love the practioners too. I am sure my friend Lekan Oshunkoya will be amazed at my sudden love for this human endeavor. I love to hear it right and succinctly and to pass it on as same (that may be the reason I am considering a few weeks of internship […]

Discovering Abuja without a guide

  Its’ been twenty four hours (or thereabout) since I arrived for a brief meeting in Abuja and I am discovering the beautiful city without my usual guide. Abuja reminds me of J’bourg which is about the only other national capital in Africa I have seen and walked. I love the scenery and organisation. Oh […]

Every day as dawn breaks…

I rise with the reality that I must make a difference today. And I must move a day’s distance in the directions of my goals in life. Each passing hour, thoughts like: ‘…are my on course?’ courses through my mind and most times I am not, I am jolted back into reality and tugged – […]

I am an Hustler

Really thougt I lost this post (originally written sometime in July,2008), only to find it recently in my drafts. Silly me :). Enjoy! Remember an Harvard graduate friend of mine remark to me last August in Johannesburg …I am a hustler She was reffering to her exploits to making things happen and her never say […]

Exeperiences and mussings of a classroom teacher*

I teach Mathematics at the Government Secondary School Minna. It has been for me a mixed experience, but by and large I enjoy my work. Seeing the curious faces of these young men who form two groups of people I interact with daily in the class room for most of the passing year, light up […]