Where I write :)

Where I write. Following the reproduction of a BBC article of a writer writting about ‘where she writes’ by NEXT

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I have tried…

I have tried many times to read the future but besides the clear reading that it will be a great

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This is wordpress…

Yes brand new wordpress and it is indeed more than a blog tool. I am already thinking up possibilities…let’s go

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Reflections on work and being busy?

Do we do work for the sake of it and its direct benefits (ability to buy things and by a stretch the ability to create wealth) or as a means to live a fulfilled life (where each is free to define fulfilment)? A position I might have maintained given “my confusion” is to maintain a hybrid view of work. I seize or attempt to seize every opportunity to create something that brings me fulfilment (I have been known to go as far as crossing boundaries of organisational hierarchy to get stuff done and apologise afterwards rather than wait endlessly for permission) and sometimes, too, I simply toe the line – in the hope that something great emerges – especially one that does emerge despite our efforts to the contrary.

Adobe makes changes to its terms of service: Creatives will have none of that nonsense!

The dust-up began with concerns about content access.
The revised wording seemed to grant Adobe expansive rights to peek into users’ creative treasure chests. Creatives worried that their precious work could be used for purposes far beyond what Adobe initially explained. Was this a prelude to a future where Adobe could pilfer their ideas and content to fuel their fancy new AI art tools and definitively replace creatives? The lack of clarity fueled the fire.